Posted by: FLPatriot | June 11, 2009

Censorship at an Atheists’ blog.

I recently took part in a discussion at an atheists’ blog, Proud Atheist, the resulted in me being blocked form commenting. It was not the act of being blocked that disappoints me, it in the way the host (named Mark) did it. Did he notify me in any way? Nope. Did he warn me either in the comments or an email? Nope. All he did was block me. I found out this morning when I went to respond to some questions and accusations from some of the other commenters and my comments do not show up. Is this the kind of open discussions that atheists claim to have with theists?

There are plenty of other atheist blogs that have not resorted to this kind of censorship, at least that I know of. But this is representative of what is happening in the scientific community and government school systems. My comments where my opinion, usually made in response to a question or statement made by someone else, but the responses I got where mainly name calling and character attacks. Then when it did not scare me off, BLOCK.

Thank you Mark of Proud Atheist for showing your true colors and I hope you enjoy preaching to your choir. And yes I will censor and block any hateful comments you make in response to this post, as I have stated before I do not allow profanity on my blog. Profanity is a weak mind trying to express itself.


  1. You compared homosexuality to bestiality. I’da blocked your butt, too.

  2. I can’t find the thread where mcoville was supposedly banned, but he compared homosexuality to bestiality??? Yeah, I’d have blocked him too.

  3. How would you expect not to be blocked when you spew hatred against gays by comparing them to people that have sex with dogs?

    Christians have become like the Muslim extremists.
    This is not the intention of Jesus.

  4. Ok, I do not want to spend to much time on this subject, but for those of you commenting and have not read the original post that this arose from here is my comment:
    “And the argument that you are born with the desire to have sex with some one of the same sex so it is ok does not hold up. If someone is born with the desire to have sex with dogs, should they have the right to marry their dog? If someone is born with the desire to have sex with children, should they have the right to do that? Just because someone has the desire to do something does not mean they should have the right to do it.”

    Before you jump to conclusions here is my argument. The logic that if you are born with a desire to do something does not mean it is moral to follow through with those desires. Just because something is becoming socially acceptable does not make it morally right to do.

    I do not compare homosexuals with bestiality. I do compare the sin of homosexuality with the sin of bestiality, murder, stealing or lying. All sin will need to be paid for, the question is who will pay that debt…. you or Jesus?

    Unfortunately I may have to close comments on this post if it becomes a debate on homosexuality, as that is not the topic of my blog. Thank you for your inquiries and I appreciate your view point, that is why I have responded.

  5. In other words, you didn’t get the response and support you expected.

    Mark @ Proud Atheists

  6. I do compare the sin of homosexuality with the sin of bestiality, murder, stealing or lying.

    I find it very disturbing that someone can (presumably with a straight face) equivocate anything about bestiality or murder with homosexuality. And Christians think they’re moral compassionate people? HA!!!

  7. Liberal blogs in general, not just atheist blogs hold to the same tactic for people who response to their rants about certain subjects. I believe conservative or christian blogs give more freedom to respond.

    The only reason why I restrict certain comments, is because some decided to curse me out, attack me personally. Bobxxxx continues to do such things from time to time. Otherwise I would let the comments go automatically. At times I wish the filter of wordpress would work a bit better, but maybe in time it will.

  8. Michael,
    Some comments though (like mcoville’s in this case) simply aren’t appropriate. They’re fundamentally intolerant.

    If you’re upset that many people appear to be intolerant of intolerance, that’s your right. But it’s my strong opinion that your concerns are badly misplaced.

  9. I think it’s funny comparing someone who rapes an unwilling animal or an unwilling child to someone who enters a relationship with another willing, thinking ADULT. I hope you realize your faith in your imaginary sky god has caused you to look like quite the bigot. But i’m sure you don’t care.

    I would have blocked you too! Not because you threaten Mark’s disbelief but because you don’t serve up any kind of logical argument. Again, you compared a RAPIST to someone who simply clicks with another homosexual ADULT! I hope you think about that & think about the idiocy you’ve blogged about.

  10. I may disagree with your comments on homosexuality, but free speech zones are important and fundamental to debate. I’m sorry you were banned like that.

  11. It is Mark’s blog; he has the right to block you if he becomes distressed by your bigotry.

    I’m sorry you took it so far as to be blocked.

  12. The problem seems to be when you venture into the realm of metaphor, mcoville. You gotta be careful when you walk through this realm, as it is littered with the egg shells of failure. The successful user of metaphor walks only on eggs, and leaves eggs when they leave. You could also argue that pedophile priests are a mere slippery slope’s slide from bestiality, but priests aren’t atheists.

    Take a page from either Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. Hannity’s strategy is to say that anything Dick Cheney does is okay because “we’re at war.” Shooting Harry Whittington in the face was acceptable because Cheney’s got war on his mind. Limbaugh’s big beef is people who get something from nothing, and liberal politicians are worse. For example, he might say “Democrats want to pay child molesters to move into the house next to yours, and give them free binoculars to look into your house!” But, you know, you gotta finesse it so it’s a bit more plausible than that. But I have faith in you, mcoville, that you’ll find your way.

  13. What is an “Antheist”?

  14. It’s called a typo. Thanks for pointing it out, I fixed it.

    I really thought you where smart enough to figure that out yourself, I guess thats why you still believe in the fairy tale of evolution.

  15. Speaking of typos, I guess the web site “” was taken.

    Hmm! It’s been deleted by wordpress! I bet there’s an interesting story behind THAT decision…

  16. Okay… Let’s start from the beginning.

    How is evolution a fairy tale?

  17. “I really thought you where smart enough to figure that out yourself, I guess thats why you still believe in the fairy tale of evolution.”

    Oh, so now you are attacking people instead of their arguments! I’m starting to see why you got banned.

  18. Dan,

    “If you’re upset that many people appear to be intolerant of intolerance, that’s your right. But it’s my strong opinion that your concerns are badly misplaced.”

    No Dan, I’m not upset, I just disagree with their positions. Christians are the most tolerant of other people’s opinions because we understand considering we have strong opinions ourselves.

    Interesting enough, Thomas Jefferson one of the founding fathers of the United States attacked Christianity but believed the Universe was “designed.” Today those who attack Christianity, endorse “forced” evolution in the public schools.

  19. the327thmale, not attacking his person, only making an observation based on his comment.

  20. The idea that the universe is governed by randomness is a twentieth century phenomenon, and relatively new. One of Einstein’s famous quotes is “God does not play dice.” Perhaps not, but are not all the atoms in the universe like a giant game of billiards?

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